Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sit and stay a while

I am so happy to say that Craigslist did not fail us. We found a great couch for an amazing price. There were a few disappointments along the way, like rearranging our weekend schedule to be in Orange County for an appointment to find out the couch we were looking at had sold before the appointment. That's just how it goes.

We saw this beauty on CL and decided it was worth the 45 minute drive to Eaglerock, LA to pick up.
Our $200 leather couch. What a steal.

Kev is starting to think the leather is too red. What do you think?
This purchase has turned out to be quite dangerous, though! Two nights this week we've accidentally fallen asleep on the couch cuddling instead of going to bed. We've woken up around midnight in a panic realizing we had no alarms set and Kev could have totally been late for work.

We should have gotten a less comfortable couch!

In other home improvement news, my sweet husband came home from his first day of work and still had enough energy left to hang my new curtains, a much needed addition.
Ugh, so dull! 
A more completed look for $10 each.

The scroll fabric.

Plain window...with my reflection in it. Oopsie :)

Same print as the blue, but in rust, with a scalloped edge and a second layer for $20 total.  (P.S. in between the before and after picture, one of our neighbors brought us an orchid. See how beautiful it is!?)

Rust scroll fabric.
Our place is slowly coming together. More photos to come as it all falls into place!

And thank you for your prayers for Kevin's first day. Work has been going well, and I just can tell he's going to love this new job, and of course they are going to love him.
How adorable was he on his very first day!?


  1. wow! i seriously can not believe what good finds you have on craig's list! jealous! i don't think the couch is too red. and did you sew those curtains yourself? talk about susie homemaker! impressive! hope kev's work is still good. i've been praying!

  2. Thanks, Natalie! Definitely did not sew the curtains myself. I thought about it, but I don't even think I could have bought the fabric for that cheap! Thank you for your prayers! We're praying for your last 3ish months before mommyhood, and hope to see you soon!
