Friday, January 6, 2012

Island in the Sun

While it's been nice having a kitchen at least three times the size of our last one, there was this huge gap of space that needed to be filled.
I really wanted a kitchen island, but they are way more expensive than you would think! We saw a nice one at Walmart for about $130, and the next day, the same one on Craigslist for $40!
Goodbye Awkward Gap!

Perfect location for my herb garden!

Love that it has an extra leaf for more counter space.

Now all we need is a couch. Come on, Craigslist, don't fail us now!


  1. I'm going to call you the Craigslist queen!

  2. oooo i LOVE it! and the herb garden is precious! yay for craigs list! ps your new blog design is adorb.
